Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mind-Full Reading

Mindful Reading

Oh the books I will read...someday.

I am a book buyer. I see an interesting cover and/or a title with the word "mind" in it and I pick it up. I flip through and give it a quick sniff and before I know what is happening, I am buying it.
My current stash:
In the order they appear on my to-read shelf:

10% Happier by Dan Harris The book that started the craze for me.

Mindless Eating by Brain Wansink, PH.D. (currently reading...listening)

Teach Breathe Learn by Meena Srinivasan (started and stopped a few times. I carry it around with me for when I am getting a pedicure or a haircut.

Five Good Minutes in the Evening by Jeffrey Brantley, MD and Wendy Millstine (love this format where there are little mindful moments to read. You can literally open a page and read one each evening never going in order.

The Mindful Child by Susan Kaiser Greenland The ABC's Attention, Balance and Compassion

Real Happiness by Sharon Salzberg I consider Sharon a celebrity. Dan Harris talks about her in his book and there is a great podcast with the two of them. She helped establish the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA. Which will be the subject of upcoming posts!

The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh... well just because you have to have this in any mindfulness collection!

Comfortable with Uncertainty by Pema Chodron This book holds special meaning. I bought it at Powells in Portland. Only the greatest book store I have ever entered and didn't want to exit.

How to Train a Wild Elephant by Jan Chozen Bays, MD Daily practices for living life more fully and joyfully.

Mindfulness by Mark Williams and Danny Penman a plan for finding peace in a frantic world

Mindfulness by Ellen J. Langer  my book has a retro orange and teal cover and a copyright of 1989 but on amazon there is a 25th anniversary edition.

The Buddha Walks Into a Bar by Lodro Rinzler "This isn’t your grandmother’s book on meditation."

Mindfulness by Tessa Watt This is a write in draw in little blue book with little mindful practice tools and strategies.

Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph. D.  Based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's mindfulness-based stress reduction program MBSR

10 Mindful Minutes by Goldie Hawn  Yes that Goldie Hawn. She has a foundation that helps schools teach mindfulness to students. We have incorporated her lessons from MindUp in our classrooms.

The Mindfulness Solution by Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD  This is another interactive fill in the sections as you learn book.

Child's Mind by Christopher Willard This book helps educators and parents implement mindful practices into their purposeful interactions with children.

Meditations to Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay This book uses words, like Peace, Pain, Loss, and Goals and offers a mindful meditation passage about each.

Learn to Relax by Mike George
Learn to Mediate by David Fontana, PhD I did not buy these together but they seem to be a companion set. They are both beautifully illustrated which makes you want to carefully turn each page and run your fingers over the graphics. You can buy them used on Amazon for .01 cent each!

Most blog authors tell you about all the books they have read on a subject. Not me. I am simply telling you the books I own. I would love to hear if you have read or recommend any of these books. That will help me move them off my shelf and into my head.

My word 2016: Breathe

Every year, our team selects a word to focus on for the year. We have been continuing this tradition for 4 years now.

During that time, my words have been: Release, Light, Mindful and Breathe...Notice a pattern?
I began being mindful of mindfulness after I read Dan Harris's book 10% Happier.  Well, by read his book, I really mean followed along and underlined while he read to me on Audible.
I was hooked. I started researching more about it, I think I bought about 15 titles on the subject and I began finding ways to implement the ideas in my work. That is when I found, Hemera Foundation: Contemplative Fellowships for Educators!